X-Rok Radiation Shielding / Containment Solutions:
Our U.S. government tested, globally patented X-Rok radiation shielding formula's provide a timely breakthrough for the lead-free, eco-safe, durable shielding, encapsulation, and storage of all levels and forms of health threatening radiation. With U.S. Gov. testing revealing 2 ins. of X-Rok blocks the entire electromagnetic field.
By description; X-Rok is a high strength, chemically-bonded ceramic radiation shielding concrete / coating material that uniquely solidifies, shields and contains all levels of harmful radiation; including EMF/EMP, RF, microwave, X-ray, Gamma & Neutron emissions.
X-Rok concrete / coating formulas are specifically formulated to provide a wide range of hazardous and radiated waste solutions including;
Repairing Damaged Nuclear Facilities
Shielding / Durably Containing All Forms of Radiated Waste
Providing Full Spectrum Electromagnetic Shielding
Lead Free X-Ray Shielding
Protection from Wi-Fi / 5G / 10G Transmissions
X-Rok Shielding Tiles
X-Rok Nuclear Container
X-Rok Sprayed on Wall
X-Rok Flex Panel with C3BlastProof Fiber
Watching The First 1945 New Mexico Atomic Bomb Test Without A Clue They Were Being Seriously Radiated
A five-year U.S. Government testing program conducted at Idaho National Labs has scientifically verified that a 2-inch thick piece of X-Rok effectively shields all levels of radiation including gamma / neutron emissions. With our U.S. Government testing completed and multiple world patents secured, the user-friendly, eco-safe, durable, chemically-bonded ceramic radiation shielding formulas our EcoC3 team developed, scientifically validated & perfected are timely and seriously needed!
X-Rok has also been ASTM certified by the Health Physics Northwest Laboratories in Tigard, Oregon to provide 'lead-free' x-ray shielding for medical and industrial uses. X-Rok provides versatile, convenient to use, multi-level radiation protection that establishes a new standard for controlling the life-threatening electromagnetic energies that surround us. Inclusive of lower level electromagnetic (EMF/EMP/X-Ray) coatings materials that safely shield power grids, cell phone towers, smart meters, wi-fi, inclusive of providing easily applied, non-toxic safe rooms and wrap around surface protection for homes, schools, and workplaces.
X-Rok patent protection has been granted in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Britain inclusive of all EU countries, Japan, S. Korea, China, Israel, with related patent's granted and pending in other nations. Inventors: Judd Hamilton, Vernon Hamilton - Assignee: Co-Operations, Inc. Patent link: https://patents.justia.com/patent/RE48014 / US Pat. ref: RE48,014 E / WIPO world patent ref: PCT/US2006/046722
Repairing Damaged Nuclear Facilities
By definition X-Rok is a water-activated, ceramic geopolymer concrete that bonds strongly to Portland concrete, asphalt, mineral, metal, and wood surfaces to block RF, microwave, x-ray, gamma and neutron radiation. Including durably and eco-safely repairing and containing decaying concrete nuclear facilities and leaking radiated waste sites.
Life-threatening radiation dangers that our U.S. Government tested X-Rok radiation shielding concrete / coating materials can finally and uniquely address in providing never-before-possible, eco-safe, user-friendly, durable, high strength radiation protection!