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"Earth Is Calling"

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"Earth is Calling" is the title of our upcoming Internet / television program dedicated to providing ‘Homes For Homeless families’. As we continue our pre-production efforts - picture inspiring rather than conflict polluted reality-based programs that travel the world building homes for homeless families using the material science / technology advances our non-profit E.F.F.O.R.T.S / EcoC3 Research Foundation has identified, invented, and assembled to create affordable self-sufficient homes & communities.


All of the inner-locking components needed to create and retrofit self-sufficient homes are ready to rock ‘right now.' With this 21st Century reality shared; to continue independently funding our 'Homes For Homeless Families' efforts we are in the process of launching a Crowdfunding campaign that will kick off with a globally televised music concert. With great music artists pitching in to celebrate an “Earth is Calling" day, presently envisioned for Summer Solstice 2025. With all proceeds donated integrally managed by the E.F.F.O.R.T.S non-profit organization to end children and families suffering from medical neglect, starvation, and not having a secure home to grow up in! However long that takes.


In sharing our self-sufficient living benefits, our EcoC3 homebuilding experts will instruct those willing and able to help how to locally create & retrofit eco-friendly, regenerative, life-enhancing homes. Including in earth related disaster areas. All of which we will film and share. In that regard, our “Earth is Calling” program will demonstrate and encourage everyone, well off to not, to understand the 21st Century benefits of homes & communities that safely and self-sufficiently create their own IT managed electricity, food, water, and usefully recycled waste. 


Self-sufficient homes are especially needed in countries where poverty-stricken families desperately try to carry their children to financially secure countries, simply to survive. So why not help poverty-stricken countries provide families in need with self-sufficient food producing, clean water, solar / bio-fuel self-energized homes and communities so on a basic level they can take care of themselves? And live better lives. It's also important to note that community serving businesses and industries will carry on providing a long list of things we can't easily create at home. For instance ice cream, lightbulbs, vacuum cleaners, and the list goes on and on. Thus, profit-making businesses and employment benefits will continue to harmonically support and enhance local self-sufficiency.


Within this shared self-sufficient perspective, we are factually moving into a technically advanced world where everyone especially families in need can live in homes & communities that safely create all the basic living needs. Including solar / bio-fuel / thermal powered electricity, clean water, healthy food & usefully recycled waste. Irrespective of bank accounts and credit scores. With that as an emerging 21st Century reality, our “Earth is Calling” program will share what we've learned as roadmaps for anyone and everyone to create locally managed, self-sustaining, eco-friendly living systems, anywhere and everywhere.


Until the19th Century Industrial Revolution changed how the majority of people live and make a living, people either created their own or had access to locally created food, chickens, vegetables, water, wood burning stoves, and livable homes. As we stumbled into the 20th Century we gave away the security of local self-sufficiency for supermarkets, better paying jobs, and credit cards. And now with the amazing 21st Century self-sufficient living breakthroughs that have appeared 'we the people’ can keep all of that while once again locally, cooperatively, and self-sufficiently taking care of ourselves and our families.


As we travel the world filming and sharing the life-enhancing benefits that a wide variety of self-sufficient (off the grid) homebuilding systems are already providing, our "Earth is Calling" project is one of many like-minded examples of humanity slowly but surely transitioning from the insane poverty & divisive political/religious prejudice we continue to witness into the conscientiously managed, caring, self-sufficient world our grandchildren can now and must now inherit as a loving rite of passage.


A Co-OpMediaArts Production / For more information contact Judd Hamilton at

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